Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Thomson Corner Bragging Rights

Samantha...Congratulations !   We are proud of you.  Thanks to Rachael and Kim for forwarding the photo's ,  we are enjoying the celebration many miles away.

Samantha and Rachael  (Bob's Granddaughters)

Rachael,  Kim,  Samantha,   Richard    (daughter, son-in-law, and granddaughters)

  Aiden, Petra, Pete, Samantha, and Kayla   (great grandson, daughter, son-in-law-granddaughters) 

We miss everybody and we will see you in the spring

1 comment:

  1. What a great looking family. Looks a lot like some of our eight grandkids! Family is wonderful.


OOOPS! you almost missed the spot to tell us what is on your mind. Go ahead, leave a comment.....