You know the old saying…the work will still be there waiting! My list patiently sat waiting all winter while we played and now it is time to pay the piper. Little by little I am making headway and, thankfully, I am not as over whelmed this summer as I was last summer. In my opinion that in itself is a HUGE accomplishment.
We usually have very humid weather due to our proximity to Lake Michigan but lately the days have been very comfortable. This morning, after a few very cool days and rain, the sunny skies returned and it is a beautiful 70 degree’s. I grabbed the camera and enjoyed my morning coffee on the deck listening to the many birds that were as happy as I was to see the sun. Life had been pretty hectic the past year and a half and I had not taken the time to just sit and enjoy what is here right under my feet.

Since I bought my new camera I also had not used the 300mm lens often so this morning was a learning experience. Usually the birds enjoy the large pine tree and a little pond that are just off the corner of the deck. They didn’t quite know what to do about me invading their territory so the usual variety of visitors was not as interesting. Nonetheless, I enjoyed the peace and quiet and was able to capture a couple shots even at quite a distance. I still have lots to learn…but isn’t that what life is all about?
I was very surprised at how well the colors showed as pictures were taken at such a distance. I love this camera

This past week I have been busy cleaning up the remains of a demolished mobile home that was on the property. Our thinking is to make use of the remaining cement slab along with the electricity, water and sewer possibly as a spot to either park our coach or possibly for other RV guests. Who knows, maybe even future income!
We have an abundance of Blue Racer snakes due to our wooded land and they are loving the remains of that old mobile home. Being the city girl that I am (was), they were a surprise to me…actually, surprise is an understatement. The first day I went up there I ran across a couple that scared the bejeebers out of me. I had only been cleaning the area for about 15 minutes when a couple snakes about 4 ft. long scrambled past me. It scared me so much that I was nauseated and had to stop for the day. The next day I went back up on the hill, this time, equipped with a pitch fork, tire iron and chains to pull things away in order to separate scrap from junk. Lesson learned ! I am determined to clean up the mess.
Bob is back in physical therapy again for a few months. His physician feels as though he has had improvement over the winter to warrant more therapy. It was very nice to see the old gang again and we enjoyed hugs all around. I am so pleased with the traveling we did this past seems to have really helped the brain wake up a bit more. He has even managed to work on his classic cars a bit. Yahooie Louie!!
I have seriously fallen behind in my blogging and I find that I can’t devote much time on the computer, so it is my hope that everyone is doing well and finding time to enjoy their summer travels. All is well with us, just very busy .